Big Love Bouquet
Make a bold statement with the Big Love Bouquet, a luxurious arrangement featuring rare preserved hydrangea paniculata, preserved Italian ruscus, marone rice flower, and locally grown preserved gum. This stunning, everlasting bouquet is the perfect way to say "I love you" and makes a timeless addition to any space.
Perfect For:
- Everlasting home décor (bedside tables, coffee tables, entryways)
- Housewarming gift
- Birthday surprise
- New baby girl or new mum gift
- Thinking of you gesture
Size: Approx. 55 cm W x 75 cm H (including foliage)
Note: Exact size and color may vary slightly due to the natural variation of flowers.
Shipping Options
Private Courier (Melbourne Only):
Select 'Private Courier' at checkout for hand delivery within Melbourne. Your bouquet will arrive wrapped in soft woven fabric with satin ribbon, accompanied by a complimentary card for your personal message.
Boxed Shipping (Australia-Wide):
For customers outside of Melbourne, this bouquet ships safely in a box via post.
Available for pick-up from our Port Melbourne studio.
Care Instructions
Made with real preserved flowers, this bouquet requires no watering or maintenance. For long-lasting beauty, keep it out of direct sunlight. Over time, slight discoloration may occur—avoid leaving it outdoors or in full sun.